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MPY - My Personal Yoga Milano


Practicing the ashtanga primary series we perform Adho Mukha Svanasana 68 times.

Until the last one it's important to give to this asana the right attention and intention.

"Today too many people are obsessed with doing asana. They think the deeper they bend their bodies, the further it will take them to self-realization. Doing too much asana will never take you closer to spirituality or self-realization, but it can take you away from it. Instead of working on handstands, students should work on the fundamentals of yoga, the yama and niyamas. Instead of doing acrobatics, they must find this higher consciousness and make it stronger within them. To practice yoga, first we have to understand and correct our fundamentals. To strengthen our fundamentals, we must adopt a method. Asana is a way to strengthen our fundamentals and will lead us toward spirituality and a higher level in our own practice. When the fundamentals are correct and strong, then yoga happens naturally. If you do it forcefully by trying to replicate other people’s fashion or approach, it will never happen. You can never will yoga to happen." Sharat Jois

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